As the rainy season is coming closer, it is necessary to better understand how to fix a leaky roof and why. This author wants to stress the fact that you should hire a professional roof repair expert to assure your families safety, reduce future unnecessary repair costs and to maintain the value of your home.

If your leaky roof situation is urgent, you should know some quick fix temporary roof repairs to consider until your roof contractor arrives.

As you are aware, your home is in jeopardy of losing its structural strength due to severe water damage as well as unwelcoming odors in the home.  Water damage also plays a key role with your electrical system.

Locate and Repair the Roof Leak

Once you discover perform a walk-through of your home and attic and discover the origin of the roof leak, now it’s time to attempt to stop the leaky roof until your general contractor arrives.

First: Start by repairing all roof leaks around roofing features. If possible, detach all roofing features and remove old roofing cement and tar.

Second: Begin to clean any dirt, leaves and debris and make sure to remove all excess water. You may need many rags and a mop to accomplish this.

Third: After you remove and mop up all the excess water, it is now time to re-attach the roofing feature and apply roof cement around the roof feature you reattached.

Shingle Roofs: If your home has roof shingles, follow the same steps however, in this scenario remove and replace any damaged shingles you discover. Than replace any old nails and replace with new nails and cover such nails with cement in order to stop future water leaks.

Rubber Roofs: Any cracks or tears you discover can be fixed by applying roofing cement.

There are many variations for roof materials and different caused for leaky roofs. Please contact a reputable local roofer in your area to assure the safety for your family and home.

We are roof repair experts and leaky roof specialists for a variety of roofs including tile roofs, shingle roofs, rubber roofs, metal roofs, cement roofs, wooden roofs, slate roofs, composition roofs, shake roofs, gravel flat top roofs and much more. Over the years, we have successfully completed roof maintenance and repair services for hundreds of satisfied home owners and commercial businesses.

Green Team Roofing provides professional, affordable roofing repair and maintenance solutions along with stellar customer service. After all, our customers come first.

Contact us today for a Free Roofing Estimate:

Phone: 714.400.6371 or 310.740.9471
